Your fundamental foundation that creates your self belief of who you are and what you are capable of, is born via your inner talk or self narrative. This is the birthplace of your own identity. It is the image of who you see and know yourself to be.
Stop being the source of your own internal pain. Quit replaying and rehearsing your mistakes and disappointments. Stop criticizing yourself for any of your short comings, stop ruminating over what hurt you. Simply stop ALL of this behavior and patterns you have created. As this is harming you. There is nothing you can gain from this type of mentality. It will only prolong your experience of your internal suffering. Tell, me, what is the value in that? There isn't one! Besides the more judgements you place on yourself, the more it grows a sense of doubt and security within you. And the only thing that self criticism grows is a sense of "I am not enough." Which, I am pretty sure that is not your end goal here.
Remember, you have a choice, each and every moment, what you continually choose will have a great effect your identity. You can just as easily choose to spend that same amount of time and energy replaying your successes, your victories and your joyful moments. Which, will actually encourage you to grow and move forward. So, the next time you find yourself wanting to rehearse your faults, Stop! Instead, why don't you opt to show yourself some grace and compassion.
This, like anything else takes practice and effort, especially at the beginning, but anything worthwhile in being or having typically does. You are worth it. Invest in yourself, in the best way possible. Starting with your inner Narrative.
Be sure to let me know what your personal experiences have been.